Boys’ night out
Friday, 25th March 2023
Mindful of little time left living in Colombo, I called my friends Aruna, Pavel, Rajeev and Sherin to see if we could meet up for an impromotu meal at an Indian curry house that we have long talked of dining at, the Maharaja Palace.
Unfortunately Rajeev couldn’t make it and Pavel declined the meal due to his strict body building diet, but Aruna picked me up with his chauffeur driven and immaculately-kept Jaguar XJ and took me to dinner where we met Sherin. We weren’t disappointed and had a delicious mix of curries, cutlery ignored and eaten by hand for the full fusion of flavours. Aruna commented though that the lamb dish was too hot for him as a Sri Lankan so he was amazed how a Brit and a Kurd demolished the lot!
After dinner we were driven to Park Street Mews where Pavel came to join us at the Italian Trattoria for an alfresco bottle of lightly chilled red served in chilled glasses. Normally a no-no, it was perfect combination for this warm and humid night.
Much chatter, much laughter and then the witching hour was upon on us. The wine bottle might have been empty, but the memories bottle had another one inside.