Fundraising in my living room

Tuesday 8th November 2022

Our International Expat Association monthly meetings got too expensive in hotel establishments, so we decided to hold them in members’ houses.  I was the first one to open the door in the hope that our apartment will hold all 24 members who accepted the invitation, and prayed I will have tableware for them to use even if I had to borrow from my neighbour.

We ordered some savoury treats from a caterer, I bought fruits to cut and made poppy cake and scones in the morning served with tea and coffee.

Part of the event was a sale of craft items for Christmas which generated much needed funds for the 7 chosen charities that the IEA sponsors.  We tried to get into the Christmas spirit, and with the buzz of all talking and Christmas craft selling I think we succeeded. 

It was pretty hard work to be honest, but a great achievement knowing in the hotel we have a team of people looking after us and this time I did it single handed. 
