Sixteenth birthdays

12th and 13th October 2022

With Daddy Steve working in Miami Beach (a conference that has always been on the children’s birthday week each time it has been held, wherever in the world) and the birthdays falling during school time, we had a low-key arrangements this year and plans for a long weekend away later when Steve had returned home.  Misa invited four of his school friends after school for a small celebration with games, a McDonald’s dinner and an evening tea with home made carrot cake (our family favourite).  Daddy joined in from Miami as you can see in one of the photos!  Emilka chose a birthday dinner with pizza cake (candles in a take away pizza) and some presents, when she got home at 19.30 from a rehearsal for the fashion show she was in.

On Friday, Misa invited his girlfriend and her family to an afternoon tea with freshly baked scones and sourdough rolls. They were kind and gave each of our children a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  For a moment I thought they were for me, but they were not; we are learning the customs of different families and cultures every day.  

We celebrated further as a family when Steve had returned, going out for dinner with friends at a Japanese restaurant in the evening of Saturday, 15th October.

A very simple celebration of their 16th birthdays.  Nothing like when they were younger and I was organising separaetly themed birthday parties for each of them every year . They actually still talk about them, having sweet memories from the experiences, so totally worth it.

Happy 16th birthday Miso and Emilko.

Misa said: “Now I am 16, I should act responsibly and sensibly.”  He is indeed and we see a fine young man evolving out of him.  Emilka said: “I don’t want to grow up, I want to be still a child!”.  How true that is as we grown ups feel the same each year. I still feel I am in my twenties and sometimes forget my real age. It is just a number. 

Let’s now take a glimpse at the previous fifteen birthdays, even if it does reinforce how quickly time passes!
