

Late on 11th August we travelled to Denmead to stay with my friend of 34 years, Andy and his children.  Arriving at midnight and heading South for most of the way we’d had the incredible supermoon for company out of the windscreen.  Hanging in a cloudless sky it was mesmerising, and with the kids asleep behind us and gently chatter up front it made for a very relaxing journey.

Friday 12th saw a day in the office from Andy’s dining table for me, whilst he and Rennie took the four children to Thorpe Park for a day’s fun in the continued scorching heat.  I like the look of the one you can watch here that gives a sportsbike rate of acceleration before an outside turn and negative ‘G’, before plummeting down again!

In the queue for another ride, Rennie noticed a couple of guys with toys they had won in the amusements area; a huge banana and an enormous dog.  Quick as a flash she decided that she’d pay up to £30 for the dog, so asked the guy holding it if he would consider selling it.  “Yes”, was the reply – so she offered a tenner that was accepted and Misa was the proud new owner!

Needing a name, Andy suggested “Deefer”, as in “D for Dog” which for the time being at least has stuck. There is however more to the story that will follow in another post.

On return from Thorpe Park was a gathering with equally close friends from the same era, Paul and Sarah, and Simon.  Paul brought with him a couple of flight simulators with proper control columns and virtual reality goggles that were very popular after the barbeque.  Huge fun.  I enjoyed “flying” a fast jet (a BAe Hawk) through twisting Welsh valleys and skimming lower and lower to enjoy the ground rush (the goggles are very immersive) until it all ended badly in some tree tops!

Deefer had to join the family photo of course, and after it was taken the evening was sadly over but hopefully with another one to look forwards to next year.

On return to Mum and Dad’s home we found Dad having a snooze after lunch, so with a hat atop his head at a jaunty angle, Misa placed Deefer for Dad to find on waking up!
