Misa’s second work experience


I was very proud of Misa, reliably going to work each morning in the village shop, and even more so when I walked down one morning hoping to be served by him when buying Motorcycle News.

Misa was out the back when I arrived, but on announcing who I was the shopkeeper expressed how highly he was regarded and how pleased they were to have this kind and polite young man helping stock the shelves and serve customers. 

My pride increased even further when Misa came to serve me – proudly handing over the Motorcycle News that he’d already put by to buy and bring home.  A lovely moment, as was then handing over the money for it and a packet of his grandfather’s favourite biscuits and having him ring them up on the till.

On completing his time there Misa was given a completely unexpected and generous sum of money and a lovely handwritten card of gratitude that we think he will keep forever.  
