First things I did once home

Tuesday 23rd August 2022

Not back home in Colombo even 24hours, and the kids managed to get up to catch the school bus that comes to our location at 6.15am. Well done to them.  I didn’t go back to bed as usual, instead making myself a coffee to sit on the balcony for the first time, feeling grateful soaking up the sea noise and the morning sunrise.

The second thing I did was to order fresh fruit and vegetables which were delivered before Steve went to the office for the first time in ages, allowing me to make us a fabulously fresh fruit salad for breakfast. 

The third thing I did was to mop up the floor with the new spinny mop a friend left with me before she and her family relocated to Jakarta. 

The fourth thing I wanted to do and didn’t, was to bake some cinnamon swirls to welcome the kids from first day at school in year 11. Unfortunately I could not bake as no eggs were for sale anywhere to be found.  Why?  A standoff between the producers that expect a free market and a government trying to control rampant inflation by setting a price cap.  The result was the producers simply ceasing to supply.

The replacement fourth thing was grocery shopping!
