Craft activities – Beading – A walk down my memory lane

Thursday 16th June 2022

We were busy preparing for our trip to Europe for summer on Friday evening, but I could not miss the opportunity to participate in an activity organised by IEA called “Beading”. Making a cosy for a jug, cup, bowl or a plate when using outside to keep the flies away. 10 spaces only to make it personal and manageable for one leader, in one of the member’s houses, we spent 3 hours working with our hands, talking and eating delicious nibbles (I made some scones). At the end, there was 6 ladies, trying to use a thread and a needle (I used to be so good, but my eyes are not good enough any more), all sorts of beads to design a pattern and work our way through the circular net with lase on at the end to secure the beads. I went patriotic and used colours of the Union flag to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s jubilee. It was simple, but classy.

I really enjoyed myself doing it………I had a walk down my memory lane.
I did craft activity as an afterschool club for about 8 years since I was 7 years old, because that was the only after school club my parents could afford. It was actually free.

I couldn’t learn to playan  instrument even though I was so in love with the piano (mummy told me I have musical deafness to discourage me and not to be disappointed I will never learn to play). I couldn’t do the ice skating in a near by town, as we had no money to pay for tuition and transport.

So only craft was an option, which I understand now why.  Actually I am grateful, it taught me a lot, especially to have the patience of a saint I have now which serves me well in my life. 

I will gift my cosy to my friend in England, who lives in the village and has a house with garden to be proud of and hopefully will be using it frequently in summer. 
