Manioc Crisps
26th February, 2022
Manihot esculenta, commonly called Cassava, Manioc, or Yuca is a shrub originally from South America now grown widely in Asia as a staple crop as the climate is so suitable. I much enjoy Cassava crips sprinkled with spicy chilli, so on hearing this whilst we were on our tour of the Birds Resort fruit and vegetable garden, our chef asked a gardener to help him dig up a plant so he could prepare fresh chilli-sprinked crisps to have with our aperitifs that evening.
They were fabulous; cooked to perfection and with enough heat to warm the mouth and compliment an on-the-house Glenfiddich.
It was only today when I learned that the tubers used for human consumption contain not only some antinutritional factors and toxins but cyanide – so cooking must be thorough to avoid acute cyanide intoxication or death. And to think how much I enjoy eating Cassava crisps and how many I have eaten over the years!