Golf at Shangri-La Resort, Hambantota
26th and 27th February, 2022
The saying goes that golf is a good walk spoiled but if Misa’s and my initiation was anything to go by, nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps we were spoiled by a superb course in idyllic surroundings under blue skies, but our training on the driving range and practice putting green at Royal Colombo Golf Club was put to good use and a fabulous time was had.
The girls didn’t much like the idea of getting up before 6:00am, so each day had a leisurely start followed by an equally leisurely breakfast and then some time in and by the pool. Aruna, Misa and myself took the early start option, our flights (as I now know, a group of golfers competing against each other rather than other competitors) teeing off at 7:30am to have at least a few holes before the heat and humidity was full bore.
What a joyous couple of mornings we had and I am so happy that Misa joined in. A responsible young man, he showed a natural flair for the sport with good concentration and his long legs and body allowing an easy swing. Neither of us embarrassed ourselves in front of vastly more experienced Aruna who took up golf years ago when living in China, and continued in Japan before returning to Sri Lanka. With his guidance and that of a professional caddy we were in good hands and much look forwards to the next time.
Rennie and Emi came to watch us on the second day, arriving just as we putted our final hole, so with an extra buggy hired we spent some time driving back round the course and showing them what we’d enjoyed.
Sleep was not a problem on either night!
Oh – My trousers are falling down a tad because Misa’s were really falling down, so having left his belt at home in Colombo I lent him mine to save his embarrassment!