Baby No 19
February 2021
Catching up on babies!
Daddy No 19 contacted me when his wife was 35 weeks as their obstetrician told them to find out more about waterbirth. A delightful young couple living in a big house with their two dogs Bougie and Button.
They were a joy to talk to, to explain and to reassure and navigate through their pregnancy. I saw them on several occasions when they would send a car for me and after the meeting bring me home – so sweet. They even managed to come and see one sunset from our balcony just before going to see the consultant and we had a quick dinner with them. She was sick that night and I was worried it was from my cooking or from too many tortillas chips on the balcony, but it was most likely an early labour sign.
They called to ask me to visit them at home a day after her due date as she was having some pains. She had some food, I gave her a massage and played with their dogs, and after lunch we all drove to hospital. As they were in the VIP, everything was easier; I didn\’t have to go anywhere for my antigen test and the lab people come to me, food and drink can be brought anytime to them and to me too.
She was managing well and at 19.30 entered the pool, but got out at 22.00 wanting an epidural, but she had a baby boy instead at 22.20! Amazing, her husband was in awe of her strength and power, and rightly so. Great evidence of how a healthy partnership and strong bond between a couple is needed for any achievements.
They loved spending bonding time in the hospital as a 3 membered family, enjoyed an afternoon tea as part of the package and on the way from hospital after discharge they visited a church to count their blessings. I saw them 4 days after birth in the comfort of their home and they were beaming with love and joy. I was privileged to be part of their journey into parenthood. Priceless.
It makes me proud to make a difference, even though I am doing the steering and navigation only. A happy birth. Another family has been born.