“Cats and dogs”
Wednesday 25th September 2019
It has been raining nonstop for 3 days now and the city is coping remarkably well given the other challenges it faces. Weather warning was issued on Sunday night expecting landslides and advising people to be careful and take this conditions seriously.
On Monday on the way from school in torrential downpour, the streets were like streaming rivers. Good job we were in the car. I saw a gentleman stepping literally up to his calf in water – he was wearing business shoes and black trousers and he just carried walking! We hear some houses have 0.5 m water inside.
I noticed, that majority people wear flip flops! However, some people have no shoes. Now with the rain, it is perfect footwear. Kids walk to school in flip flops through the puddles and change shoes at school.
The sky looks like it will clear out, but suddenly it gets dark, the sky goes grey/black and the rain comes down, amazing to watch it from inside.
There is no outside swimming for me then, I can use gym and carry on walking up the stairs if I can (324 stairs to the 17th floor).