Ironing board

Thursday 19th September 2019


I can iron without doing-in my back!

When we came to this apartment in Easter, there was a boxed small ironing board in a cupboard, which we used only once (who irons on holiday?).  Consequently, Steve asked the letting agent to sort this out and get us a proper free-standing ironing board.  How hard can that be?

When we arrived, we found a brand-new ironing board waiting for us, which we were pleased about, however after unpacking it, it was half size in width and height. Perfect for Asian people, just right for Emilka, but she is not the one who is doing the ironing and I was doing my back on it bending down for hours ironing. My ironing pile was getting bigger by day as I refused to use the unsuitable ironing board and Steve had a task to get me European size one.

It took him more then 5 weeks to get this sorted but yesterday, having found one, he ventured in to Colombo’s horrendous traffic in a Tuk Tuk (200 m in 12 minutes at the start of the trip, having cancelled a taxi as it would never reach him) and went to buy it on his way to collect Emi from school. He had it as an exercise as well as time was critical and he had to run from the shop to collect Emi about 1.5km with ironing board under his arm in the hot and humid weather.  After school, waiting 15 mins in the sun for a taxi who then missed his turn and got stuck in traffic trying to recover himself, Steve cancelled again and took another Tuk Tuk home.

Tuk Tuk is an amazing vehicle – you can even fit an European ironing board in it, a man and a child with a big school bag!

It is lovely ironing on my new ironing board now and Steve will have all his shirts ironed by the time he gets home from work tonight!
