Rennie’s Covid-19 vaccination
India gifted Sri Lanka with 1 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccinations against Covid in February 2021 and naturally the first in line were health care professionals, soldiers, policemen and politicians. The general public was able to get it standing in long queues in vaccination centres which were set up around the country. I was lucky enough to be given the first dose while I was in a maternity hospital supporting one birthing Sri Lankan mummy on 23rd February 2021. I had a slight reaction to it with body ache, arm ache and high temperature for about 2 days, but nothing sinister.
In this first round of vaccination 600,000 doses were given so we correctly guessed I will not be lucky enough in the second round as only 400,000 vaccines were left for the essential workers.
As I was hoping to go to the Czech republic and the UK in summer, I was certain I would be able to get the second dose in Europe. I was right. On Friday 25th June, as my small birthday present, my sister-in-law Jana who works in hospital, arranged for me to be given a second dose of AstraZeneca vaccination in Krnov. No side effects at all this time.
Once I reached the UK and switched my UK SIM card on, I found that I had 6 voice messages left in the last 3 months from the UK Covid vaccination centre urging me to come for vaccination. I called them to let them know the status of my vaccination so they can update their records. I need to go to my GP surgery with my “Covid pass” so they can update their records and I hope it will be simple enough for them to accept my vaccination given in different countries.
Let’s hope we will tackle the life with Covid around us and life especially travelling, will get easier.