Pelmadulla Weekend
Preparing to leave home on the Friday evening to spend the weekend of 6th and 7th March with friends from Nepal and Turkey I asked Misa if he would like to join in. The destination was a small hotel on the hillside above Pelmadulla recently built by a Sri Lankan friend of one of the group, and with the prospect of visiting a rockpool and waterfall as well as enjoying a Saturday night barbeque until very late. In other words, the opportunity perfect for an adventure and shared memories as Misa becomes a young adult. He said “Yes”, so after his quickly packing we were on our way, the four of us travelling in the same car.
Arrival in pitch black was gone midnight to find a delicious meal awaiting us, this including a phenomenal clear soup of pumpkin and chilli before we went on to rice and curry. Misa was then showered and in bed whilst the rest of us enjoyed a few G&Ts, a drop of Czech Slivovic and a lot of laughs before heading off to bed. The new day brought a lovely view over the valley and silence bar birdsong before going down to a leisurely breakfast. In the early afternoon we walked the 800 metres through the forest to the waterfall and rockpool where Misa may or may not have enjoyed a drop of Lion lager. Much fun and more laughter before heading back to prepare the barbeque – arriving to the second when the heavens opened in fine style. Absolutely torrential rain which remained until after midnight meant the barbeque was conducted under a tarpaulin but this didn’t dampen the occasion or spoil the smoked long yellow capsicum or the delicious meats of marinaded lamb, chicken, and beef as well as various sausages.
Despite going to bed at about 3am I was wide awake by 6:30am and up at 6:45am – and on drawing the curtains open saw the amazing sight shown in some of the images and this video; put some headphones on and listen to the birds whilst watching the cloud formed by the heat of the sun causing the afternoon and night’s heavy rainfall to evaporate. It changed shape and endured for a couple of hours before it was gone, by when a much quieter gathering than the night before gathered for breakfast.
Before long, we were packed up and four hours later back in Colombo.
Much fun, and I am so happy that Misa came and consequently enjoyed a shared experience.