Date night

Friday 26th March 2021

At the beginning  of the week I told Steve to put a date in his calendar to be free from 19.30 on Friday. He promised he would be free, and he was, actually looking forward to his date.

I cooked chicken pasta for the kids, but I was hoping for something different.

We got dressed in time and took a taxi to one of our favourite hotels where we headed to the Capital Grill and Bar, hoping for some gentle live music later on and tasty food with fine wine.  To Steve\’s surprise, some Czech friends were already at the table eating their dinner, as they had time pressure for babysitter to leave the house at 20.40. Luckily our kids are big enough to babysit themselves now.  Steve just had to hide the internet router so they don\’t rip through the already limited data. There is no such unlimited data in Sri Lanka. 

We had about 60mins with our friends (you can believe it flew by) and once they left us, we could enjoy each other\’s company, Steve\’s rare steak, my chicken salad and a pleasant bottle of red wine. 

We just sat and listened to the gentle music which started to play later on,  observing the hustle and bustle of the place and enjoying our date – Yes, a a date, after nearly 21 years of marriage. 

About 22.30 we tried to call a taxi, but as it was raining they were in short  supply so we borrowed an umbrella from the hotel and walked the mile home.

The evening went so fast but it was so nice to just sit, eat and drink and be looked after. A rare occasion for me I must cherish, and a rare occasion for Steve not to stare for 3 hours into the computer screen. We should do this more often to keep the romance going! 
