A year of home learning

Friday, March 12, 2021

Today was exactly one year, thanks to the Covid pandemic, that the school door closed and children began home learning. Except for 3 weeks in September 2020, they sit at their computer every day trying to learn.

At the beginning it was something new, fun and amazing, but now after a year, it is boring and monotonous. They need to go to school, get up physically in the morning, put on their school uniform, prepare their lunch, go to be with friends and have contact with teachers. They need to be physically involved in life and not just sit on their computer from morning to evening (study or play games or search the internet) or watch TV.

It is lovely that I can be with them all that time, I can support them and explain things to them – be their teacher for all subjects.

Steve has been working from home for a year now too – paradoxically he came to Sri Lanka to be in the office with by far the largest component of  his worldwide team as the company went through huge growth and change of strategy.  However, it is still helpful that he is in Sri Lanka since he was in the office for the first six months and since then has experienced the same challenges and concerns first-hand.

The fact is, that it’s nice for everyone to be at home and me taking care of them.  We will see how long this situation will last and whether the children will go to physical school this school year and Steve to the office.

Let’s be surprised.
